The new WordPress block editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg) is a radical change for developers used to working with PHP. If you needed to learn JavaScript deeply and quickly to update your plugins and keep everything working, you may still feel a bit overwhelmed. The development of blocks represents a major challenge for all of us not proficient in JavaScript. In this talk we will show you a set of good practices to follow when developing with Gutenberg, as well as typical mistakes that you should avoid so that your code doesn’t break anything.
Category: Lightning talk
Getting ready for PHP7.2
At the State of the Word, it was announced that one of the upcoming focuses of the WordPress project is raising the minimum version requirement of PHP.
WordPress core is already PHP7.2 compatible but are your plugins and themes?
In this talk, Jenny will be looking at the steps needed to check if plugins and themes are compatible, and the lessons learned from doing the steps.
Are you PHPrepared?